Fighting with CSS questions – a way from newbie to master CSS


This blog is for absolutely newbies (and maybe also for coders who is interesting with CSS, like me).

When Trang, a origin-printing designer, asked me how to become a web designer, I advised her to learn CSS. Now CSS is a hot word in the world of Internet. (Have you ever visited

What is the hardest thing you face when you want to learn something hot? It’s NOT the LACK of information but the TOO-TOO-TOO MUCH information, ’cause so many people talk/write about it. And you need a way to go!!! You need a way to follow?

And I am here, not to be a leader who lead you, not to be the trainer or the teacher, BUT to be a friend who go with you and EXPLoRe the way to MasTer CSS.

Day by day, we face to questions and face to things we have to solve. Try it, things is under your hand and under you subconscience .

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